Sorry for the late post ladies (and gents?!), it was my niece's 1st Birthday Weekend. You read that right, Sis planned a two-day celebration for her! Funny story, of all her toys she got, she was having fun playing with her balloons and all the paper wrappers! She just learned to walk and oh my goshness, she has exhausted the 6 adults in the room watching over her! She fought her nap and was awake the whole afternoon til we left at 9pm!
Hope everyone's long weekend went well and to all those going back to school, try to have fun in between those homeworks and school projects!
Anywho, let's make this short and sweet!
- So this week Ipsters (Ipsy Members), got a chance to enter Benefit's Lash Bash Hostess Party and last Aug.27th they announced the 1,000 Glambassadors. I was one of the lucky Ipsters to get to host and I did not waste time and started inviting and planning my party! This definitely distracted me this week!
This is the pic I attached with my entry. My lucky charm! - I was also looking around on what to get my 1 year old niece! I didn't just want to give her clothes, so I bought her a toy my sister and I grew up playing with. My mistake but she's still pretty young for it actually and Auntie got too excited getting it for her. Plus a huge birthday card and a huge balloon to go with it. I thought it's cute to see how it's as big or bigger than her hehehe!
I got it on "Tupperware Shape O Ball Toy" - Lastly, a I got a haircut trim! My ends were looking...fray? It's not dry but it was just all over the place. It was dying for a haircut and what a good timing there was a salon two blocks away from me that was having their Grand Opening! Well it was just new owners, same salon. I was hoping I could check this off my Wish List, which I shared with you all last week (here). Unfortunately, it's a so-so place. I wouldn't do a major hair style change with them but for trims, I will go there for now.
So that was my week, it was exciting to be shopping again and especially it's for others! I also cannot wait for my Lash Bash Party to be here already since I have good stuff planned for my girls!
My next and last update (woooot!) will be next Tuesday which is the last day of my No Buy Beauty Challenge! I have already planned what I want to buy first as soon as this is over and hopefully it gets here before the Lash Bash Party. Since I have been MIA online, time to catch up on blogs I have missed over the weekend.

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