Before I get on with this lovely tag, just want to apologize on my recent MIA on the blog. Over the weekend, hubby and I went all over to get all my Lash Bash Party supplies so no last minute runs on the day of, which is this coming Saturday! I am super excited but also getting a bit stressed since I want everything to be perfect and I don't want to miss anything! I have made a checklist that I look at so I don't forget anything since we are holding it at my friends house. I don't host a lot of parties so when I do, I want everything to run smooth and perfect!
Ok now let's move on to the tag!
I was tagged by the gorgeous Ashley of She has a great blog that features blog post series everyday, from Makeup Review Mondays to Fridays Face of the day to Thursdays Fashion faves, and so on . So go check her blog out after you read this and subscribe so you don't miss out on upcoming posts!
Shall we get started?
1. Blush or Bronzer- blush. I am just learning how to use the bronzer + contouring.
2. Lip Gloss or Lip Stick- Tinted lip balms + balm stains
3. Eyeliner or Mascara- mascara
4. Foundation or Concealer- Foundation
5. Natural or Colored Eye Shadow- no matter how many times I tell myself, "today I will wear color", I still end up grabbing for my NATURAL eye shadows, so natural!
6. Pressed or Loose Eye Shadow- Pressed
7. Brush or Sponge- Brush
1. Opi or China Glaze- OPI
2. Long or Short- short
3. Acrylic or Natural- Natural
4. Bright or Dark- Bright
5. Flower or No Flower- no flowers, it takes too long to do!
1. Perfume or Body Splash- Perfume
2. Lotion or Body Butter- body buttah!
3. Body Wash or Soap- Body wash
4. Lush or other- other (Organix, The Body Shop)
1. Jeans or Sweat Pants - neither, leggings for me =)
2. Long sleeves or short sleeves - long sleeves when I'm chilly and sleeveless when I'm hot, no short sleeves.
3. Dress or Skirt- dress!
4. Scarves or Hat- scarves then hat is added when my ears are cold.
5. Studs or dangling earrings- Studs
6. Necklace or bracelet- Necklace.Have you seen my BaubleBar haul? (check it out here!)
7. Heels or flats- Flats and wedges!
8. Cowboy boots or riding boots - Riding boots
9. Jackets or hoodies - Hoodies at home, Jackets for out in the town!
10. Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe - I like both, but Forever21 is easier for me to go to
1. Curly or Straight- Wavy!
2. Bun or Ponytail -ponytail and braids!
3. Bobby pin or butterfly clips - butterfly clips
4. Hairspray or gel - neither
5. Long or short- Long, long, long!
6. Dark or light- au natural, dark!
7. Side swept bangs or fully bangs - I've done both and side swept bangs looks better on me =)
8. Up or down- I'd love it down but it always get in my face so it's mostly up all day.
1. Rain or shine- I like both as long as it's not humid!
2. Summer or winter- Summer since I don't look forward to shoveling snow!
3. Fall or spring- both!
4. Chocolate or Vanilla- every type of Chocolate please!
I really had fun doing this tag. Thank you again Ashley for tagging me!!!
Now the ladies, I want to tag are. . .
Erica of Diary of a Trendaholic
DeBresha of Life of a Makeup Junkie
Elle of E l l e S e e s
Jorden of Unboxing Beauty
Aaliyah of Shadow Liner Girl
. . .and all the other bloggers who wants to do this tag, link your post below so I can check it out after!

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