Tagged by the gaw-geous Ashley of Ciao Bella.
Ashley has great beauty blog posts and everyday is a different subject. Fashion Thursdays; Monday beauty reviews; Motivational Wednesdays; My favorite are her Face of The Day Fridays! So go check her out after you read this post on http://ciaobella0816.blogspot.com
Ashley has great beauty blog posts and everyday is a different subject. Fashion Thursdays; Monday beauty reviews; Motivational Wednesdays; My favorite are her Face of The Day Fridays! So go check her out after you read this post on http://ciaobella0816.blogspot.com
Ok now onto the tag before the season changes on me again! Is it just me or Summer just went by too quick? This year was such a mild Summer I think. Ok moving on. . .
Favorite Thing About Autumn
I love booties and leggings and just light sweaters.
Pumpkin Pies.
The leaves changing colors.
Favorite Drink
Don't kill me ladies but I have not tried a Pumpkin Spice Latte. With all this talking tho, I will definitely get one this season! I usually order a Chai Latte, sometimes with a shot of espresso.
Favorite Scent/ Candle
I use an oil warmer at home and my fave is this Ginger Candy scent from Bath&Body which seems to be not on their site anymore.
Best Lipstick
This season I will be rocking my Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick in Venom
Go-to Moisturizer
Josie Maran's 100% Pure Argan Oil
after I put on my Supergood SPF30 Serum
Favorite Go-to Color for the Eyes
usually neutrals from theBalm's Nude 'Tude but I want to try adding purple or gold and cranberry shades this season to my looks!
Favorite Music to listen to
Adele and Jay-Z is always on my playlist!
Favorite Outfit to Wear
leggings, jeggings with my oversize tops layered with light sweaters or a jean jacket
Autum Treat
Fresh Pumpkin Pie from Terhune Orchards in NJ
Favorite Place to Be
Coffee houses in the city.
OK now the ladies I'd like to tag are:
- Cynthia of Cdel Beauty
- Shalunya of Shalunya & Boyet
- Jamie of Only Average Mom
- Katie of Curvaceous Beauty Blog
And if you are interested in doing this tag, feel free to do it and leave your blog link on the comments below so I can check it out!
Again thank you for Ashley on tagging me!

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