March 30, 2018

Shop Smarter, Not Harder

I didn't major in Finance nor am an expert at saving money. I'm bad at couponing but I'm okay in math. I get so excited when I see savings on my receipt, and see cash back on my Ebates. I'm always about finding the best bang for my buck, who doesn't?!
I also want what's best for my buck. If I'm about to spend some money, I want to make sure that these products are top quality without breaking the bank. I love, love, love to shop and as I get older, I surely have become smarter where to bet my money on.
I hope these shopping tips I'm about to share with you, which you may or may not do already, is helpful and informative enough so you can also shop smarter.

March 20, 2018

Mini Bag Must-Haves

This post has been sponsored by the PRIMP Network. All opinions are my own.

I recently have downsized to a smaller purse. Carrying a smaller handbag also meant downsizing the stuff I bring with me. This was a huge change for me since I usually just throw everything that I think I'll need throughout the day in my purse. But having limited space, makes me think twice, and be more strategic of what I bring so I can use up every inch of space in that small bag.

So keep reading if you'd like to know what are my
Mini Bag Must-Haves

March 14, 2018


A few weeks ago I attended POPSUGAR's preview event for their own beauty line called
You can check out my Instagram (@fivetwobeauty_) under "EVENTS" in the highlights for more pics and videos from the preview event.
What's more important though is 
the collection is available now at all ULTA stores and online ! ! !
"B E A U T Y by POPSUGAR makes your outer glow just as bright as your inner one."