I have not done this for a while and I am so thankful for getting nominated! I won't get all mushy but just big hugs and thanks to Tanya for giving me this awesome blog award! Let's take a break from all the beauty reviews and lets get-to-know Miss FiveTwo a little bit!

A Liebster Award is an honor given to up and coming fun blogs that have less than 200 followers as a way to get their name out there and share some awesome blogs that you may have stumbled upon. Here's what it entails:
- Each blogger posts 11 random facts about themselves
- Each blogger answers the questions the tagger has set for you
- then you pick 11 new winners of the Liebster Award and link them to your post
- pick 11 new questions to ask the new chosen winners
- go to the new blog winner's page and tell them about their award
*For this post, I will only be answering the questions given by the blogger who nominated me. This is such a great way to know me more than my beauty reviews and other beauty blog posts here that's why I'm doing this. Hope you enjoy as I had fun answering them as well!
For my previous Liebster awards, you can check them out here:
Tanya from Leopard Lace and Cheesecake recently tagged me for this award.
Do check out her blog by clicking on the blog name above! She writes about Fashion trends besides makeup reviews!
Tanya's Questions & my answers:
1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
My favorite thing about blogging is how I can freely express myself and share everyone my thoughts and opinions and experiences beauty-related! Also meeting other beauty-holics like me to chit chat this about!
2. What was your very first post about?
It was about my hair care routine. You can check it out here: http://fivetwocertified.blogspot.com/2012/07/new-hair-routine.html
3. What is the hardest thing that you have encountered with blogging?
Right now, trying to catch up with all my favorite bloggers! I haven't had the time to sit, relax and catch up with my blog buddies! I miss you all and truly know I really feel bad I haven't read all your recent posts!!! I also have been trying to organize my blog writing schedule as I have so many ideas and reviews I want to share with you and actually having a notebook-planner has been helping me with that lately!
4. What is your favorite store to shop at?
Uniqlo for basic style clothes; Ulta for beauty products; Amazon.com for all my online shopping needs!
5. Who has inspired you in your life?
This will sound cheesy but that will be my hubby! He knows what he wants and he works hard and do not stop working to get it! He doesn't give up and get discouraged and just keeps going. His strength and motivation and attitude inspires me a lot to do what I want to get where I want to be! No matter how long it takes, don' ever give up!
6. What was the first makeup product that you have used?
I went to a private Catholic school in the Philippines (Kindergarten-HIgh School) and makeup was not allowed at all and the closest thing to makeup we can use is face powder and those flavored lip balms!
7. What is your favorite movie?
The Notebook, Full Metal Jacket and Black Hawk Down
8. What is the most that you have ever spent one a single beauty/skin care product? $60-80 for my a bareMinerals Face kit. It was my very first time purchasing a high end foundation and my dermatologist suggested bareMinerals! And until now it is my favorite foundation of all!
9. Summer or Winter?
In regards to the Winter we are having here in the East Coast, I would really love for Summer to come already. I wouldn't mind Winter at all if snow storms only come once or twice every season.
10. Where is the furthest place from home that you have been?
Going back home to Manila, Philippines in 2010
11. Salty or Sweet?
Sweeeet! Have I mentioned I'm a die hard chocoholic and dessert queen?!?
Thanks again Tanya for tagging me!
I am not sure who have not been nominated with a Liebster Award but if you haven't done one then I nominate YOU for this award! You can answer the questions Tanya had asked me above and leave the link below to your post!
Hope you are all staying warm in this crazy Winter stormy season!

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