"There are two simple reasons for this: usage of Google Reader has declined, and as a company we’re pouring all of our energy into fewer products. We think that kind of focus will make for a better user experience ." You can read the short post here: http://googlereader.blogspot.com/
I have ignored this announcement when I got the email in March and did not think much about it, since I was hoping in three months they will see the increase of users! But now I see a lot of the blogs I follow have been putting up announcements about it, and we are getting close to July 1st, in which the Google Reader will officially be out. I don't want to leave you all hanging either when this truly happens next week!
What are we going to do now?!?!
No worries, there are tons of other options out there for you guys so you can keep up with my blog and with your other favorite blog sites out there.
Bloglovin' (http://www.bloglovin.com)
- This is a website where you can add all the blogs, any blogs you follow and see all their updates and posts in a news feed like layout.
- It's FREE to join!
- You can organize your favorite blogs into groups! *Mine I have them under: beauty and fashion.
- Most bloggers will have this button on their site already (sidebars). Click on it to easily add them to your Bloglovin' profile. You can find mine on the left sidebar. Or click the link below!
- To follow my blog, here's my link: http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/6997391/fivetwo-certified
Follow by E-mail:
- That button is still available if you do not want to open an account with Bloglovin'
- Following by e-mail, you will be receiving an e-mail every time I have a new post up, which is not bad either. If you check your e-mail everyday, more than once a day, this is a good option as well.
Google+ (Google Plus)
- This is the social networking platform of Google, like Facebook.
- To add my blog, you will find the button on the left sidebar. Or try clicking this link: https://plus.google.com/u/0/107404024382719672754/posts
- I am still new to this site but I do update my Google+ profile when I have a new blog post up!
These are just three ways to stay updated with my blog. You can also follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, Ipsy and Twitter for other non-related blog stuff about my life. Sometimes I will do announce if I have a new blog post up on these social networks but the best way to get updated with my blog are the top 3 I have given you above.
So before we all panic for the end of Google Reader...Breathe...Relax and think about these options and see what's best for you!

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