Before I go to bed and forget to share this awesome tip to all u ladies on a budget out there, lemme tell u quickly that baby wipes works better than those make-up wipe removers they have in the drugstores!
I may not have tried them all but with ma very very sensitive skin I have only tried the Neutrogena in the purple packaging, since that's what my sister has and she said it works great on her skin. I liked it, bought a packed and I just couldnt stand the smell of my face afterwards! It was way overly scented and I noticed my face towels in the morning after I have washed will still have remnants of my makeup from the day before! Ewwwwwww!!!!
Walked by the baby aisle at CVS, since they grouped it with the ladies Tampons and Pads, and saw Huggies baby wipes were on sale! At first I wanted to get them for when I get my monthly period instead of using the wash n then I started using it to wipe my feet after wearing opened toe shoes in the city (another Ew!) and then a lightbulb moment hit me when I was running low on my neutrogena wipes which i had no plans of repurchasing but I so love the convenience of a wipe to remove my eye, lip and face makeup - why not use this baby wipe! If its gentle enough for a baby's bottom this should be gentle enough for my very very sensitive skin!
I have been using the wipes for mmmonths now and I havent broken out or got a rash or got any bad karma from it! Its really hard for me to find products out there that my skin will agree with, and when I find one that is affordable and just works awesome I just needed to share it!
I have only used the Huggies and Pampers baby wipes since those are d only baby brand i know. If you can't tell by now, I have no kids just two dogs and a cat, and o yeh my lovely hubby, Mike :)
I really don't like to go buy the drugstore brands when it comes to my face even if they say its all d same stuff in them - I trust d experts Pampers and Huggies and leave it to them to know what's good for the baby's skin. Plus its my face we talking here people! Let's not go cheap on my pweetty face now!
Go try it, see for urself!
*oh u can use it downthere too instead of using that wash for d odor, it works good for that too!

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